A Stinkin BALD EAGLE! What am I supposed to do with my 4 OUTSIDE kitties?
The tallest tree is where she's making her nest. The barn is right underneath it.

As anyone ever dealt with this before? We have lambs, turkeys, and dogs too!
I tried to make it easier to spot the deer, but you'll just have to believe me, they're there.
Now yesterday was more of an adventure. The kids were at grandma's and Farm Boy and I were relaxing eating lunch. All of a sudden "COYOTE!". Farm Boy lept into the living room pounding numbers into the gun safe. He dissappeared, while I quietly opened the door for my little border collie. She flew into the house and headed straight for my daughters bed. I started shutting the door when, POP! I nearly jumped out of my skin. He had shot from our bedroom window, while I thought he went down stairs. I went out to see if he got it and didn't see anything. He came out asking "Did you see that blood?" "NO" I said disgusted.
I grabbed my camera, as we headed out the door to get the body. The way down we talked about how all of our kitties hunt right in that very spot the coyote was in. I think I would pass out if I saw a coyote ripping one of my cats apart. Not to mention our lambs, chickens, and turkeys that aren't that far away.
As we got down there sure enough there was blood and meat splattered. We followed the blood trail into the tall grass looking for the body. All of a sudden Farm Boy jumped back and I saw two coyote ears running through the grass. That was enough to make me go stand in the back of the truck and Farm Boy to get his gun again. He felt real bad that it wasn't a kill shot. With all the blood she lost we figured she was dead. Now he had to put her out of her misery.
Here he is following the blood trail through the high grass, while I'm standing on the truck box.
I was supposed to be watching for the grass to move, but I took a picture of the back of our house instead. So you can see what I'm talking about.
Finally he found her, with a kill shot. Sad. But, better her then my poor cats or baby animals.