Monday, August 20, 2007
Fall is Getting Closer
I sold my last 3 Aracauna hens today. The lady put them in a box next to her dog in the car. The dog tore open the box and pulled feathers out. My poor hens, I took my money and went inside.
I'm going to put in an order of chicks. I don't think there will be any until Feburary though. Buff laced polish, crevecoeurs and sultans.
I started my own antique junk booth in an antiques and collectible mall. I set up yesterday and had so much fun. I have more stuff to add to it tomorrow. My house is getting easier and easier to clean. I hope I make a little extra money, for my horse addiction. Well the laundry is calling my name.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My Poor Baby

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I caught it again!
I seemed to be slowly recovering, when I had my children. But I started riding every Friday morning with the neighbors. And then I got a free VIP pass to a rodeo with one of my best friends. It was all just too much. It's back with a vengence. I can't stop thinking about horses. HELP!!!!
We are leasing a little mare to teach the kids to ride. We're going to meet her tomorrow night. She is a 14 yr old fjord named Fria. My friend is moving her horse next month and then we will bring her home. I'm hoping at least one of my kids gets horse fever too. I'm doing everything I can to expose them. hehe I need a riding partner.
I'm selling off everything I own to put my QH through training this winter. I hope by next year we are doing some penning and gaming. I hope the kids will be ready to move up to a POA also.
Well a lady is coming to buy some chickens tonight, I better get ready.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Guess What's Making a Nest Behind the Barn?
A Stinkin BALD EAGLE! What am I supposed to do with my 4 OUTSIDE kitties?
The tallest tree is where she's making her nest. The barn is right underneath it.

As anyone ever dealt with this before? We have lambs, turkeys, and dogs too!
Let the Swathing Begin

I really don't mind my new job and every once in awhile he does come up with a pretty good idea.
Rabbit, It's What's for Dinner

I wonder which one this was? I hope it wasn't the one with the gray nose.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
WILD AMERICA (In my backyard)
These guys showed up on Tuesday, I know the pics bad, it was taken through the window. It's 3 bucks that were headed down to the river. They almost were free and clear of the fences, until the llamas spotted them. They ran full speed at the deer bucking and kicking like only a llama can. Scaring the day lights out of the deer and sending them running for their lives.

I tried to make it easier to spot the deer, but you'll just have to believe me, they're there.
Now yesterday was more of an adventure. The kids were at grandma's and Farm Boy and I were relaxing eating lunch. All of a sudden "COYOTE!". Farm Boy lept into the living room pounding numbers into the gun safe. He dissappeared, while I quietly opened the door for my little border collie. She flew into the house and headed straight for my daughters bed. I started shutting the door when, POP! I nearly jumped out of my skin. He had shot from our bedroom window, while I thought he went down stairs. I went out to see if he got it and didn't see anything. He came out asking "Did you see that blood?" "NO" I said disgusted.
I grabbed my camera, as we headed out the door to get the body. The way down we talked about how all of our kitties hunt right in that very spot the coyote was in. I think I would pass out if I saw a coyote ripping one of my cats apart. Not to mention our lambs, chickens, and turkeys that aren't that far away.
As we got down there sure enough there was blood and meat splattered. We followed the blood trail into the tall grass looking for the body. All of a sudden Farm Boy jumped back and I saw two coyote ears running through the grass. That was enough to make me go stand in the back of the truck and Farm Boy to get his gun again. He felt real bad that it wasn't a kill shot. With all the blood she lost we figured she was dead. Now he had to put her out of her misery.
Here he is following the blood trail through the high grass, while I'm standing on the truck box.

I was supposed to be watching for the grass to move, but I took a picture of the back of our house instead. So you can see what I'm talking about.

Finally he found her, with a kill shot. Sad. But, better her then my poor cats or baby animals.

Monday, June 25, 2007
A Little Farm History
Pickers were paid 1 cent per pound of hops. In an average day a picker picked about 200 lbs. More experienced pickers picked 300 to 400 lbs. The pickers made enough money for winter supplies and school clothing.
Our ranch had 6 hop houses on it, that were used for drying the hops. The ranch had 19 to 20 horse teams, it's own store, restaurant, depuity sheriff and place of entertainment.
The ranch also hired Indians with the understanding that the ranch would furnish a certain amount of pasture for some horses, and would give them the same camping privileges as the other pickers. There was 2 tribes of Indians that did not get along, so they had to camp in different sections.
The peek of the hop era was during the 1920's and 30's, by the early 1950's there was hardly any hops left.
Before the hops, where our house is now located there was an Indian camp. We find arrow heads and bowls and pounders made from rock all the time. There is also a "dump" where the hop campers garbage went. After a heavy rain sometimes we discover old bottles, lamps, and other things from that era.
We now grow grass seed, hazelnuts, green beans, and corn.